To participate in discussions on this forum and have access to contact other members directly, please register to join our online community.

Go to:

* Click on "Register" on the menu bar on the upper part of the page.
* Read and then agree with the terms of service by checking the box and clicking the submit button.
* Fill out all required fields of the registration with valid information, click button to submit
* Your real first and last names are required, but they are not visible to the unregistered public. Your location is required with your state/province as the minimum.
* After you submit the form, watch for an immediate email with a verification link. If we don't get a response from the applicant clicking that link within 36 hours, the registration is dropped.
* The registration is then manually reviewed, approved and a Welcome email is sent.

If you have a problem along that path, click the "Contact" link on our site to explain the issue. The approval process is manual and is subject to availability of an administrator.

Jim "Oldgas" Potts
Your host and moderator